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Intellectual Property

“The Archmage Legacy 2021” is one of the action–fiction films that DeeDee produced and released on July, 2021. The film is a part of the “The Archmage Legacy” game’s advertising campaign by Media Contex, Singapore.

To meet the high quality that Media Contex has expected for this film, we have applied hand-drawn animation in production. That means each and every frame has gone through 8 steps of crafting: Sketch – Keyframe – Cleanup – Inbetween – Color – Shading – Compositing - Editing. 3D Technology is also being applied effectively in creating the space of the film.

Besides, we reach our ultimate smoothness thanks to the client’s professionalism and their very prompt, detailed responses whenever we need consultations. Our deep gratitude to Media Contex especially their producer for the generous compliments and for always making space for the DeeDee artist’s creativity.

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