'The Naught-Nice Business' is an animation series originally created by DeeDee Animation Studio in 2019, targeting general audiences. The project is currently under its production. DeeDee developed this project in its entirety from scripts to visual design, animation, and final composition with an international standard.
The show follows 3 demons running a business that provides sketchy services, helping solve magical problems of any shape and form.
Le Quynh Nhu
Project Manager
Doan Thanh Van
Dang Hai Quang
Dang Hai Quang
Storyboard Artist
Doan Anh Kiet
Art Director
Ha Huy Hoang
Animation Director
Doan Anh Kiet
Head of Layout & Background
Nguyen Ngoc Linh
Hoang Anh Viet
Music & Sound
Katana Records
Doan Anh Kiet
Hoang Anh Viet
Nguyen Trung Long
Nguyen Tam
Nguyen Ngoc Anh Thu
Nguyen Phuong Hien
Le Tien Hai
Nguyen The Trung
Hoang Hong Ngoc
Nguyen Kim Anh
Pham Cong Nam
Le Mai
Layout & Background artists
Nguyen Ngoc Linh
Bui The Phuong
Pham Trung Thanh
Nguyen Thu Giang
Nguyen Dang Binh
Technical Supervisor
Hoang Anh Viet
Graphic Designer
Nguyen Thu Giang