K+ SEA Games 32

The 2021 year-end offer” is a 2D animated TVC combined with live footage that DeeDee Animation Studio produced for K+ TV, the leading Vietnamese company in sports contents. This project aims to promote the special offer package for December from K+.
The highlight of this project is the combination of different mediums, with expressive movements done with the traditional hand-drawn techniques. The TVC has made a strong impression on viewers, helping convey the message.
The video has been released on several media platforms, including Youtube, Website, Facebook, etc. It has also become the opening sequence for various programs that have been and will be broadcast on K+ TV.
With the enthusiasm and talent of the artists at DeeDee Animation Studio, the TVC "Experience the 32nd SEAGAMES on K+" has showcased a fiery and dynamic sporting spirit, accompanied by lively character designs.
The main content of the TVC aims to promote the 32nd Southeast Asian Games, while also igniting the audience's passion with exclusive and captivating sports events on K+. That's why scenes animated by the mesmerizing curveball of Kevin De Bruyne or the spectacular shot by legendary tennis player Novak Djokovic were brought to life through a combination of live footage and 2D animation, which were "summoned" from the "Year-end Promotion 2021" TVC project.
Thanks to K+ and TBWA for their ongoing collaboration with DeeDee.