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How to choose the best 2D Animation Studio


What can 2D animation studios produce?

Animation in reality can be applied cross platforms since there are a lot of different industries that utilize it, not only animated films.

Game design

2D animation studio - Game design
Garena Glorious Mission - Garena Vietnam (Source: DeeDee Animation Studio)

Video games are basically just interactive animation, where the players are in control of animated characters in a virtual environment. In other words, you can say that video game players are just making their own personal animated films with pre-made animation. This is why animators are some of the most essential parts of a video game development.

Feature film production

Hybrid films that combine live action with 2D animation has been an unique entity throughout the history of both films and animation. More so when nowadays 2D animation is making a huge come back with a lot of nostalgic values as can be seen in movies like Space Jam 2 and Mary Poppins Returns. That' why 2D animation can also be included in the high budget blockbuster worlds of Hollywood live-action feature films.

2D animation studio - Feature film production
Broken Being: Prequel - An award-winning Animated Short Film 2019 (Source: DeeDee Animation Studio)

Animated series

It can take from months to years to produce an animated series, depending on the animation style, the budget, the duration of each episode, or the complexity of the story.

And if it requires more complex movements and advanced techniques, it could even take up to several years for a studio to produce an animated series. Over the past five years, DeeDee Animation Studio has produced quite a few of well-received animated series like She-Kings, The Naught-Nice Business, Honda Fun With Traffic, etc.

Animated commercials

2D animation studio - Animated series
Vinamilk ADM IQ GOLD - TVC 2020 (Source: DeeDee Animation Studio)

When it comes to advertising, the advantages of 2D animation studios are clear. Compared to the preferable choice of CGI, 2D animation is much more flexible, quicker to produce, and can achieve unique imageries that capture the viewer's imagination and entice them to purchase the promoted products.

Animation adds a layer of creativity to your marketing campaign, opportunities to reach out to a broader audience. A animated 2D presentation of your brand might result in a higher exchange rate. You can always reach out for an animation studio to bring your ideas into the animated world of boundless imagination for advertising.

Music videos

Animation and visual effects always brings a certain "wow" factor to a music video. And when 2D animation is involved, it stands out from the crowd and catches the audience's attention instantly for its artistic values. Especially nowadays, 2D animation is helping turn real life music artists into 2D animated characters and produce high quality music videos while still avoiding the risk of catching Covid-19 by shooting on a set.

Near the end of 2019, DeeDee Animation Studio was invited to participate in the production of 'Christmas Just Ain't Christmas' animated music video. This is a song by the worldwide famous singer/actress Idina Menzel (the voice actress of Elsa in Disney's 'Frozen'), in her 2019 Christmas album 'A Season Of Love'.

How to choose the best animation studio?

To find the best 2D animation studio for your company, you need to evaluate many criteria from budget to customer service. Here are the factors that you should keep in mind when choosing an animation studio.


When it comes to negotiating with an animation studio, the first and foremost question to discuss is the budget. So how much does a 2D animation studio cost exactly? According to Creative Humans’ statistics in 2021, a low-budget animated video would often cost between 3,000 and 7,000 dollars per minute while a 10,000 - 20,000 dollar contract is the minimum range for a professionally produced one.

The concept of "animation" can fall into a wide range of definitions, including many different genres and forms of animation, with completely different production requirements. So, don't be surprised if the production costs varies drastically from one studio to another. Besides, the production cost that you can afford is also an important factor in determining the style of animation that can be produced. However, in whatever discussion involving money, there should be honesty and transparency. Don't try to cut corners, and the production companies won't let you down in their results.


An animation company's portfolio or showreel displays the quality of its production. Browsing through their video collection can give businesses an idea of what they typically produce. Moreover, it would help you generate a vision for your company’s projects.

From the portfolio, you can determine how well an animated video appropriately and effectively depicts characters and brands.

Check out DeeDee Animation Studio 2021 Showreel here!

Customer Service

There is a slew of 2D animation studios promising high-quality products at low costs. However, this is usually a promise that can't be kept.

An animation studio must first comprehend the client's concept to develop an effective animated. Before your business signs a contract with an animator or a studio, you'll want to see if you understand each other thoroughly.

Examine whether such a production firm answers quickly to your inquiries allows you to take part in all steps of construction. It's crucial because no one understands your organization as you do.

2D animation studio - Customer Service
Loving Kieu - Animated Mini Series 2020 (Source: DeeDee Animation Studio)

Testimonials and Past Clients

Examining the project completion rate is another practical approach to choosing an animator or a partner company. A list of 2D animation studios’ clients should be established. Whenever it comes to improving design abilities, experiences are crucial. It will help if you are looking for a competent animation studio. You can always visit their website to see what they did in the past and for whom. For example, this is our past work and clients.

Find the best of 2D Animation Studios in Vietnam

Whether it is the one time project or a long-term one, you would want to find the most professional and reputable 2D animation studio. DeeDee Animation Studio is confident in our abilities to meet your expectations.

Professional team

DeeDee Studio's team includes all the resources you need to launch a 2D animation project. Our storytellers, artists, and animators have had many years of experience.

The DeeDee team is known for our work in animated series, animated short films, animated TV commercials, animated music videos, explainer videos, and more.

Above all, we understand the thinking of our customers, putting the customer's wishes first. So the final product will not let you down.

Besides, DeeDee's team are all artists with great creativity and enthusiasm. We are not afraid to reinvent ourselves and try to adapt to keep the studio's products fresh every time we take on a new project.

International standard pipeline

DeeDee Animation Studio is a turnkey solution that oversees the production of your animation projects from beginning to end, from pre-production to post-production, all while adhering to worldwide animation standards. Moreover, DeeDee's production process ensures all stages from preparation to completion but is still optimized in time. The studio knows how to manage project quality and ensure on-time completion of work with its clients.

That is also why DeeDee studio's customers include big brands in a variety of fields such as Unicef, Unilever, Garena, Honda, Vincom, VTV, FPT, BKAV, etc. With a collection of projects from TVCs to animated films, DeeDee has completed successfully and left a good impression on all customers.

Modern technology and equipment

The professional and international standard production pipeline at DeeDee 2D animation studio comes with modern technologies and equipment. With the support from the most advanced animation production software Toon Boom, we are always up to date with their newest tools to help create the best quality to our projects.

We have summarized the above sections clearly to give you the best view on setting the criteria for choosing a studio. We hope you can make the best choices with your company and always succeed!


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